Friday, September 21, 2012

Think Progress: 'Huma Abedin is not part of a Muslim Brotherhood plot'

The George Soros-funded Think Progress has seen fit to refute a charge made by David Horowitz during the latter's appearance on Fox News channel. While talking to Megyn Kelly about the controversy surrounding the anti-Muhammad film, Horowitz referred to Huma Abedin as a 'Muslim Brotherhood operative'. Kelly actually seemed quite adamant that the subject not be discussed.

In light of Fox's virtual embargo on the topic - unless they're covering pro-Abedin stances - Kelly's insistence that a State Department official's irrefutable connections to the Muslim Brotherhood not be brought up is more than just a little curious.

Perhaps more telling is Think Progress going out of its way to say that Huma Abedin is not part of a Muslim Brotherhood plot. Doing so actually hurts their cause and, again, adds to the already disturbing profile of her defenders.

When was the last time you saw Think Progress critical of the Muslim Brotherhood?

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