Sunday, September 2, 2012

Video: Newt rips Rove over 'murder' comments

Newt invoked the name Gabriele Giffords on Meet the Press while ripping Rove over the latter joking about the murder of Senatorial candidate Todd Akin. Conservative pundits who excuse Rove should ask themselves what their reaction would be if it were the leader of a Democratic Super PAC who joked about the murder of a sitting Republican congressman. Any attempt to excuse Rove's comments is very hypocritical and would be an example of a double standard the right often complains exists on the left.

Hard to argue.

Via Huffington Post:

Much better video of Newt via Daily Caller. Pay particularly close attention to how he literally stuns the other panelists, leaving them completely silent. At one point, he calls out Thomas Friedman, who offered an incredibly lame response after being called out. No one chews up liberals and spits them out as thoroughly as Gingrich does.

Folks, Newt should have been the Republican nominee. Period.

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