Thursday, October 11, 2012

Benghazi Security Officer: 'Taliban on the inside of the building'

After Oversight Committee member, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked Regional Security Officer in Benghazi, Eric Norsdtrom, if the latter ever thought he was going to have his requests met by the State Department, Nordstrom delivered a two minute answer that you've got to see. If you've ever had to deal with the bureaucratic machinations of any entity, you should be able to relate directly to the source of Nordstrom's frustration here.

If you can stand it, the first 4:45 of this clip is an exchange between Jordan and State Department bureaucrat, Patrick Kennedy, whose ramblings are reminiscent of an obfuscating pencil pusher with the protection of the bureaucracy he serves being the sole purpose of his existence. It's sad, really. At the 4:45 mark, Jordan obviously gets disgusted with Kennedy's response, and tees up a question for Nordstrom that involved a response that included a metaphor which likened the State Department to the Taliban.

Nordstrom: "For me, the Taliban is on the inside of the building."

Via Oversight Committee:

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