Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Video: Obama voted against sending money to New Orleans after Katrina

This video from CNN, circa October of 2008. This news report takes on added significance in light of the video posted at the Daily Caller of Obama on June 5, 2007. Of course, while going off-script at Hampton University, Obama chastised the Federal government for its double standard on the Stafford Act, which requires local governments to pay $1 for every $10 paid by the Feds during times of emergency.

Obama cited 9/11 and Hurricane Andrew as instances in which the Feds waived the 10% requirement of local governments. He then alleged that when it came to Hurricane Katrina, the Feds demanded that 10% be paid.

That leads to the CNN report below. Not only did then Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden vote to fund the now infamous 'Bridge to nowhere' in Alaska but they voted against re-directing that money to New Orleans where it would be used to repair a bridge damaged by Katrina.

Obama is that which he derides.

You really can't make this stuff up.

h/t Free Republic

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