Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Chris Christie hugs Springsteen; goes home and cries

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was allegedly a finalist for being selected as Mitt Romney's running mate. It's becoming more apparent by the day that Christie was not the right choice. First, a hug and a stroll on the beach with Barack Obama. Next, he hugged Bruce Springsteen and proceeded to cry when he got home.

Via CBS News:
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie hasn't been shy about his passion for Bruce Springsteen.

He's been to countless shows (more than 100, he says), has quoted lyrics in speeches and speaks openly about his love for The Boss. But Springsteen hasn't really acknowledged Christie - until now.

The Republican governor had a couple of interactions with Springsteen this past week in the wake of superstorm Sandy. Christie says he was so moved by their conversation that he cried when he got home; it was a high point in a long and tough week.
Chris Christie has some serious issues.

Do you think he has this Springsteen song in his iPad?

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