Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Entire Paula Broadwell speech is back up

Some time after posting this yesterday, the full forty-one minute video of a speech given by CIA Director David Petraeus' mistress - Paula Broadwell - was pulled down from YouTube. It has since been uploaded again and can be seen below. The excerpt getting the most attention begins at the 35:50 mark and involves Broadwell telling a University of Denver Symposium audience that the CIA Annex in Benghazi was actually being used to house prisoners.

If true, especially since the CIA is denying that claim, it would almost necessarily mean that she divulged classified information back on October 26th, when this speech was given. That begs another question:

Why was the entire speech taken down and the relevant excerpt all over the internet? Is there more that she divulged that hasn't been identified yet?

Still, one thing that remains very curious is that if the FBI interviewed Broadwell on the week of October 21st, why would she have such loose lips so soon thereafter, at a public symposium?

h/t KleinOnline:

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