Tuesday, December 18, 2012

As Obama was politicizing speech in Newtown, a mass shooting was being prevented in San Antonio - with a Gun

On the same night that Barack Obama injected his gun control agenda into a speech at a memorial intended for the victims of the Newtown, CT school shootings, a gunman in San Antonio, TX was attempting another mass shooting in a local theater. The outcome was quite different than what happened in Aurora, CO - the site of another mass shooting inside a theater recently.

In this case, a gun was used successfully to prevent a mass shooting.

Two people are hospitalized after a gunman chased terrified restaurant patrons into the lobby of the Santikos Mayan 14 movie theater during a showing of "The Hobbit" last night, 1200 WOAI news reprots.

Police detectives and sheriff's investigators say the incident started in the China Garden Restaurant on Southwest Military Drive about 9 PM Sunday, when an employee of the restaurant walked in looking for a woman.

When the woman, who officials say is also a restaurant employee, wasn't there, the man pulled a gun and attempted to open fire in the restaurant but his weapon jammed.

"It started at the restaurant and then went into the parking lot and then into the movie theater," Deputy Lou Antu told 1200 WOAI news.

Investigators say some of the terrified restaurant patrons poured into the movie theater, and the gunman followed.

He opened fire, shooting one man in the chest, before Antu says an off duty sheriff's deputy who was working security at the theater shot him once.

"The officer involved, she took the appropriate action to try to keep everyone safe in the movie theater," Antu said.

The gunman and the patron are hospitalized.

Antu says the gunman never made it into the theater itself, thanks largely to the heroic work of the off duty deputy.

"She did what she felt she had to do," Antu said.  "I feel that she saved a lot of lives by taking the action she had to take."
During an appearance on MSNBC to discuss his controversial comments during an NFL Sunday Night Football halftime show (about the Jovan Belcher murder / suicide),  Bob Costas said the following about the Aurora, Colorado mass shooting inside a theater:
It demonstrates itself in the wild west, Dirty Harry mentality of people who actually believe that if a number of people were armed in the theater in Aurora, they would have been able to take down this nut job in body armor and military style artillery when in fact almost every policeman in the country would tell that you that would have only increased the tragedy and added to the carnage.
When Costas later appeared with Bill O'Reilly, the NBC sportscaster said that if he were in a theater and there was a mass shooter, he wouldn't want to have a gun.

Granted, the person who stopped the shooter inside a San Antonio movie theater lobby was an off-duty police officer but the issue here is the ability to neutralize someone with a gun, who is determined to kill innocent, unarmed civilians. Law-abiding citizens, properly trained in the use of a firearm, can be just as effective as an off-duty police officer in the same situation. Just ask Bob Costas. He has armed security at his disposal.

In Costas' case, he also told O'Reilly that he would not want a gun in such a situation. Perhaps that's because he travels with people around him who have guns.

Like Costas, Obama's speech occurred during an NFL Sunday Night football game and the network broke in to air it.

The irony was that as Obama was politicizing the recent mass shootings, another one was being averted in Texas by what the gun control nuts want banned.

1 comment:

  1. dont mess with Texas,,enjoyed hearing you on Shattering Myths with Yada today
