Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Video: Sports Writer quoted by Bob Costas outed as a Racist

Not sure how I missed this but the letter written to Bill O'Reilly by Fox Sports writer Jason Whitlock in response to a request to be interviewed on O'Reilly's show was nothing short of over-the-top racist. Whitlock is the same guy whom Bob Costas quoted after the Jovan Belcher murder / suicide that found the NBC sportscaster in hot water almost two weeks ago.

In the days after Costas' elevation of Whitlock on a national stage, he went on Whitlock's radio show and didn't do himself any favors.

The good news? One of the consequences of Bob Costas' decision to line up with Whitlock on national television over a second amendment issue following a high profile case is that Whitlock is being exposed for the racist he is. The bad news (for Costas) is that aligning with Whitlock on any issue - especially one as controversial as the Belcher case and gun control - is a poor reflection on Costas.

If you haven't seen this, it's a must-watch.

Via the Daily Caller:

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