Sunday, January 6, 2013

Louie Gohmert Audio: 'Facelift' the only difference between Boehner and Pelosi

If it was considered an open secret before, that Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) has little to no respect for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), it's not anymore.

Now, it's just flat-out in the open.

During an appearance on the Dennis Miller show, Gohmert essentially said there is only one difference between Boehner and Pelosi; the latter has had a 'facelift'.

The silver lining for John Boehner? Well, Gohmert didn't accuse him of having one.

Via MediaIte:

Gohmert is beyond frustrated with Boehner, and rightfully so. His level of frustration is reminiscent of the kind British MP Leo Amery had for Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain shortly before Winston Churchill took over.

Via the Guardian, here is how Amery ended his speech on the subject in 1940:
Somehow or other we must get into the government men who can match our enemies in fighting spirit, in daring, in resolution and in thirst for victory. Some 300 years ago, when this house found that its troops were being beaten by the dash and daring of Prince Rupert's cavalry, Oliver Cromwell spoke to John Hampden. In one of his speeches he recounted what he said. It was this: "I said to him, 'Your troops are most of them old, decayed serving men and tapsters and such kind of fellows'… You must get men of a spirit that are likely to go as far as they will go, or you will be beaten still."

It may not be easy to find these men. They can be found only by trial and by ruthlessly discarding all who fail. We are fighting today for our life, for our liberty, for our all; we cannot go on being led as we are. I have quoted certain words of Oliver Cromwell. I will quote certain other words. This is what Cromwell said to the Long Parliament when he thought it was no longer fit to conduct the affairs of the nation: "You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go."
Gohmert knows what too few do or are willing to admit. Boehner is the wrong guy for these very dangerous times. He has proven to be a very weak leader.

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