Monday, January 14, 2013

Video: Colin Powell attacks Republicans for racism; ignores in-your-face Democratic racism

It is quite clear that Colin Powell views the world most through a racial lens. On Meet the Press, he defended his two votes for Barack Obama and claimed that there is a 'dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the (Republican) Party', saying it has lurched too far to the right. He then shockingly said that the Party's move to the right is why the Republicans lost the election.

Lost on him is the fact that Barack Obama is the most left-wing president in U.S. history and the Republican Party's nominee for president in 2012 was a moderate. Yet, Powell says he is still a Republican and that he's a 'moderate'.

Apparently, Powell is willing to overlook Obama's countless affiliations with some very intolerant people.

Moreover, following Powell's logic, the Tea Party is more intolerant than Occupy Wall Street, which has a website devoted to glorifying its high number of arrests.

He's either lying or so blinded by race that he's afflicted with an extreme case of denial.

h/t GWP:

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