Saturday, January 5, 2013

Video: Hillary Hack James Carville says those who questioned her illness are 'inhumane', ignores inhumane treatment of Clinton victim

First of all, I challenge anyone to find where I said Hillary Clinton's fall never took place. That claim was never made but critical thinking was applied to the situation. In fact, I concluded that her fall was indeed 'fortuitous' when factoring in the Benghazi situation; it's beyond apparent that she doesn't want to testify.

That said, Hillary hack James Carville appeared on CNN with Wolf Blitzer and decided to plant a flag on the moral high ground, identifying anyone who raised questions about Hillary's illness as 'inhumane'.

That's beyond hypocritical because I challenge James Carville to explain how Hillary Clinton nemesis Peter Paul is still in prison, long past the maximum sentences for his alleged crime.

Here's the video, via the Daily Caller:

Peter Paul began dealing with the Clintons back in 2000. He was arrested in 2001 for charges related to stock manipulation. The maximum sentence for his crime was ten years. He's not scheduled to be released from prison until 2014.

Do the math.

Mr. Carville, what's happening to Peter Paul is inhumane. Perhaps you should look into why he's been imprisoned for so long.

Here's the trailer for the Peter Paul documentary on Hillary Clinton:

The first chapter of Unsung Davids is entitled, "Hillary Clinton vs. Peter Paul".

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