Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Christopher Dorner Supporters afflicted with Che Guevara Glorification Syndrome

Do you remember back in 2009, when China's Mao was all the rage? The Obamautomatons loved the comparisons. How about Che Guevara? T-shirts and hats were all the rage too. So were / are images of Fidel Castro. The left loves these heartless, cold-blooded killers. Let's also not forget the push to have cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal released from prison. Add Christopher Dorner to the list.

As the multi-murderer was holed up in a cabin, twitter was ablaze with Dorner-supporters, obviously a sick strain of the same phenomenon.

Before human remains were found in the cabin, Dorner had more support from the twitter-verse. Check out some of these beauties, via twitchy.

This song goes out to all of you sick Christopher Dorner supporters; you're all struck with Che Guevara Glorification Syndrome (CGGS):

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