Thursday, February 21, 2013

Video: Did Jay Leno bolster the credibility of the man who infiltrated the Weather Underground?

There is an old adage that says the best jokes are the ones rooted in truth. If they weren't, they wouldn't make sense and therefore, wouldn't be funny. During his opening monologue, comedian Jay Leno cracked a joke about Barack Obama's inability to understand economics. The joke resonated with the audience which laughed and applauded. Following the old adage, it stands to reason that Obama truly does have a problem understanding economics.

Via Breitbart:

Now, consider the words of Larry Grathwohl who, in 1969 became the only man to successfully infiltrate the Weather Underground for the FBI. He moved in those circles for nearly a year and knew what Bill Ayers truly believed and thought. In perhaps the most haunting account of the Weather Underground, Grathwohl explained what he heard at a meeting which included Ayers.

Since Obama's 2008 campaign revealed a relationship he had with Ayers, the president has attempted to distance himself from that relationship. Grathwohl was either ignored or smeared. The truth is that the relationship between Obama and Ayers was much closer than he wanted anyone to know; that is an irrefutable fact and Leno may have inadvertently contributed to demonstrating it.

I have posted the video from 1982 below before but pay attention to what Grathwohl says beginning at the :20 mark:
"I brought up the subject of what's going to happen after we take over the government. You know, we, we become responsible then for administrating you know, 250 million people. And there was no answers. No one had given any thought to economics - how are you going to clothe and feed these people?"
No thought to economics - something else Obama and Ayers share in common.

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