Sunday, February 17, 2013

Washington Insider: Hillary definitely running in 2016

The first part of this clip has seemingly nothing to do with the headline of the post but stick with it. This ABC News White House ventriloquist dummy Report starts out with another shameless exploitation of a shooting victim. The report plays an ad that features the mother of a young lady who was gunned down. The purpose of the ad is to push for universal background checks. The anchor then kicks it out to Reena Ninan who says that the gun control whackos think that background checks are something they can get through congress. Chuck Schumer calls that the 'sweet spot'.

Where was this push for gun control when Fast and Furious blew up in the administration's face and where are gun rights activists when it comes to pointing this out?

But I digress...

If, as the authors of 'Benghazi: The Definitive Report' allege, that John Brennan led an effort from the White House to ship weapons out of Libya to 'start another conflict' (presumably to arm Muslim Brotherhood / al-Qaeda rebels in Syria), it could mean that the administration is simultaneously attempting to disarm American citizens while arming her enemies (watch the video at the bottom of this post that will demonstrate how registration leads to confiscation).

Now, at about the 1:20 mark of the ventriloquist dummy report, the discussion turns to Hillary's plans to run in 2016. According to a Washington 'insider', it's all but a done deal. If true, what are the plans for Huma Abedin? Will Hillary appoint her to the same position currently held by David Axelrod or Valerie Jarrett?

Based on Abedin's irrefutable familial connections to the Brotherhood, do you think she's on board with a policy that would disarm Americans and arm the Brotherhood?

Yes, that is a somewhat rhetorical question at this point.

One more thing that happens at the end of this report worth mentioning. Ninan makes reference to who could be Hillary's Republican challenger and mentions Chris Christie by name. Every presidential election cycle, the mainstream media pushes a Republican candidate. Invariably, that candidate is someone who either doesn't have a chance against the liberal Democrat of choice or would be the best alternative for the liberal establishment (Romney, McCain, and Dole are prime examples).

Whenever the media pushes for a Republican nominee, rest assured, it's the worst possible Republican nominee. As for Christie specifically, he is rather Muslim Brotherhood-friendly.

Via Breitbart:

Here is why any attempt at universal background checks are all about universal gun registration, which ultimately leads to confiscation because, once again, nameless, unelected bureaucrats will be empowered to decide who gets what and who doesn't.

Sounds like a sour spot, doesn't it?

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