Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Republicans blowing another huge opportunity (Mitch McConnell scandal)

Republicans are blowing a huge opportunity relative to what far left-wing wacko bird David Corn of Mother Jones did when he bugged Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell's campaign headquarters. No, this scandal isn't nearly as big as Benghazi or Fast and Furious. It's not even as big as Solyndra, which have all been said to be bigger than Watergate.

McConnell-gate ain't bigger than Watergate and it ain't smaller than Watergate.

It's exactly the same. Yet, there is no outrage from the left. In fact, they're pointing to what was said on the recordings as being the big infraction.

Meanwhile, Republicans are playing defense on Immigration and gun control, instead of showing a united front on this issue.

The words coming out of McConnell's mouth here are not the problem; his lack of passion is. In fact, he comes across as being so dispassionate that he doesn't even come across as having been violated.

Lack of fire on the Republican side of the aisle is their biggest problem.

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