Saturday, May 25, 2013

Video News Report: Lois Lerner 'very close' to top official in Cincinnati Office

News reporter Ben Swann at WXIX Fox 19 in Cincinnati is one of the best in the business at his level. He's a dogged reporter who doesn't take the path of least resistance. Well, he's done it again. In fact, if the IRS had it to do over agin, it probably wouldn't have selected Cincinnati as the city to house its tax-exempt office.

This is true journalism from a local reporter. Note how Swann presents the organizational chart and explains that Lerner visited the head of the Cincinnati - Cindy Thomas - office multiple times. In fact, Thomas apparently visited the office more than did the woman between those two on the organizational chart - Holly Paz - did.

Pulitzer-worthy, indeed.

Then again, getting a Pulitzer these days is often a badge of shame.

Via Breitbart: News, Weather

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