Thursday, May 23, 2013

Video: Ted Cruz Rips John McCain from Senate floor; does so without saying his name while also using the term 'Wacko Birds'

Another awesome Ted Cruz Senate floor speech. He packs a whole bunch of deliciousness into this one it's difficult to chronicle. First, the root argument. Essentially, at the heart of Cruz's argument is that a super majority threshold should be required to raise the debt ceiling.

Everything else includes the following:
  1. Outing his Republican colleagues for engaging in a Kabuki dance.
  2. Ripping John McCain more politely than anyone could have possibly done.
  3. Getting even more mileage out of McCain's 'wacko birds' comment a few months ago in response to Rand Paul's filibuster.
Though you don't McCain in this video, he was obviously in the room and was likely quite red.

h/t Hot Air

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