Saturday, June 1, 2013

Chilling: Does IRS Scandal give new meaning to these two videos?

We now have empirical evidence that Christian, Jewish, and Conservative groups were targeted (profiled) by the Barack Obama administration's IRS. We also know that the IRS is a civilian law enforcement agency. The head of that agency - Douglas Shulman - visited the Obama White House 157 times during the Obama administration, 118 times after the IRS began profiling conservative groups.

As guest host on the Rush Limbaugh show this week, Douglas Urbanski informed listeners that his IRS sources have confided in him that they expect the agency to begin targeting individuals.

In light of these realities, take a look at these two videos again. Barack Obama in July of 2008:

Weather Underground infiltrator Larry Grathwohl in 1982. Listen to him explain the goals of Bill Ayers, friend of President Obama:

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