Friday, July 17, 2009

AUDIO: Harry Alford Rips Boxer AGAIN!

It has been a very racially charged week. The Sonia Sotomayor hearings, two Austin talk show hosts being suspended for using a word Hispanics find offensive, and Dick Durbin saying that the DNA of Alito and Roberts did not allow them to understand the plight of minorities.

Now this!

Yesterday, we saw the video of Harry Alford, President of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, tearing into Barbara Boxer for pulling out the race card against him (don't ask, just click here). Today, he appeared on a webcast and compared Boxer to Jim Crow!

Also listen to Alford as he refers to General Michael Walsh who had the gall to call Barbara Boxer, "Ma'aam". Boxer took offense to the General not calling her "Senator". Alford mentions that the General emailed him after yesterday's episode between he (Alford) and Boxer.

Have a Listen.

After listening to Alford, he seems like a straight-up guy. He is a major critic of green jobs and I think sees the reality for what it is. Hope in a pipe dream. Just when I was ready to give him an A++ (Allusion to what Feinstein gave Sotomayor), he went and admitted that he supports Obama's Healthcare plan.

Just to refresh your memories on the exchange between Boxer and the General...

Alford also appeared on the John Ziegler show and called Boxer a "racist".

Here's the Audio of That one.

h/t to Hot Air for the Ziegler audio.

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