Saturday, July 18, 2009

Democrats are the Racist Party

In light of both Barbara Boxer playing the race card with the President of the National Black Chamber of Commerce and Dick Durbin saying that conservative judges Sam Alito and John Roberts have inferior DNA when it comes to understanding the challenges of being minorities, I thought it appropriate to look up some Democrat history.

Before I do, watching the exchange between Boxer and Alford again is worth it at this point.

Check out this MUST READ article by Frances Rice from January 18th, 2008. A quick google search will easily validate items she puts forth as fact, an example of which is that Al Gore's dad (Al Gore Sr.) voted against the civil rights act of 1957 and the BIG one in 1964.

The blacks in this country really need to learn the truth about the Democrat Party because it has learned to exploit them in its quest for power.

They are being played either willingly or unwillingly but make no mistake. They are being played.

It's widely acknowledged that George Soros is the man behind Obama. What color is Soros again?

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