Thursday, July 30, 2009


Doug Ross posts an interesting conundrum for Barack Obama courtesy of Barney Frank's convoluted speech patterns. Frank clearly had a 'Joe Biden' moment on this one. All along the way during this Healthcare debate, Amabo has been saying everyone will be able to keep their individual plan.

We all know that defies logic and common sense but as long as the Dems are singing from the same sheet of music and spewing the same lies in a United Front, their logic says that they can get enough people snookered.

Quoting Frank in an interview with Single Payer Action...
I think the best way we’re going to get single payer – the only way – is to have a public option demonstrate its strength and power.
Mr. Obama, would you care to respond to that one?

Here is a recent quote from Obama about his plan....
It will keep government out of health care decisions, giving you the option to keep your (private) insurance if you’re happy with it.
So how do they spin this disparity? One way might be to say that when you have two chronic liars, they cancel each other out and you get the truth.

Yeah, right.

DOUG ROSS has more....

"If we keep on getting distracted by this problem, then we are not solving it."
- Barack Obama, November, 2007

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