Wednesday, July 29, 2009


If Obama's "stupidly" comment was calculated, he's more despicable than many gave him credit for. The 'post-racial' president has opened up a can of racial worms to the point that the woman who placed the 911 call felt forced to face the media to defend racist allegations.

I saw this coming when I noticed the publicized police report didn't redact her name. The ACORNs would necessarily attempt to smear her. They tried and now have egg on their face. The only problem is they don't care. They just expectorate hatred and move on when it's time for a new target. It's the Community Organizing way.

Some additional irony about Whalen being vindicated by the 911 tape and never identifying either person as black. When pressed by the dispatcher, she said that one of them "might" be hispanic.

During the press conference, she revealed she is of Portuguese heritage and followed it up by proclaiming she's an American.

This is a good, decent, kind, and upstanding citizen. I'd say, "shame on those who smear her" but we're dealing with some vile folks who laugh at the notion of shame.

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