Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Honduras Gauntlet

Ousted Honduran president Manuel Zelaya first said he would return to his country on Thursday, the 2nd. He's now vowing to do so by Sunday, the 5th. The sitting government that removed him did so with the mutual support and effort of the Judicial, Legislative, and Military branches.

The Supreme Court provided the orders for removal, the military provided the means, and the congress provided a replacement. On Sunday, June 28th it all went down.

With the support of the United States, the United Nations, the Organization of American States (OAS), and oh yeah, Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, and the Castro brothers, Zelaya had a lot of backing. His problem is that the sitting government isn't backing down.

The Straits Times is Reporting that Zelaya is throwing down the proverbial gauntlet with a (to this point) sitting government that has proven to be quite adamant that he will not be reinstated.

h/t to hot air

And I know I've posted this video of Krauthammer already but it just seems appropriate again..

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