Saturday, July 4, 2009

Honduras Showing More Backbone than Obama

As Manuel Zelaya garners the support of the US, the UN, the OAS, and every tin pot dictator in the Southern Hemisphere, the current government of Honduras is treating all of them like the French Kuhnigots treated King Arthur in Monty Python's "Holy Grail".

They don't seem to care about money, recognition, or political solutions at this point. So far, acting president Roberto Micheletti, who was installed after Zelaya was removed by the military while in his pajamas (no word on what Disney character gives Zelaya the most comfort when he sleeps).

Micheletti and company don't seem too deterred by the prospect of losing money that the OAS guarantees but then again, I won't believe they mean business until the rubber meets the road and they literally conduct it.

The sitting government of Honduras gets an A+ for how it has handled everything to this point but it needs to realize it is an underdog with a ton of people just waiting to support it IF it makes the right moves from here on out.

There is a reason Zelaya didn't return to Honduras on Thursday, the 2nd, like he said he would. That reason is that the sitting government threatened to lock him up if he touched down. What's key here is that Micheletti not bow to regional, U.S., or international pressure and actually follow through on his promise to lock Zelaya up if he shows up.

If they do that, all of the coverage the truth is not getting in the MSM will start coming out. When a full battle ensues, both sides MUST be told.

It is absolutely critical that Micheletti bow up to these forces and stand up for good. It is a battle that truly needs to be won.

I mean, heck, everyone else thumbs their noses at the U.N. It's about time for those who have a legitimate right to do so to do so.

h/t to Hot Air (as usual)

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