Monday, July 6, 2009

Honduras Showing Guts

Manuel Zelaya, the man ordered removed from his office as President of Honduras somehow has the support of the United States, the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the Castro brothers, Hugo Chavez, and Daniel Ortega.

Perhaps that is why he decided to boldly attempt to fly back to the country whose government removed him from power despite the insistence of sitting president Roberto Micheletti that Zelaya would be arrested if he re-entered the country. The runways were blocked and Zelaya did not land. The OAS has expelled Honduras from its circle of countries willing to play ball (big whoop).

Mary Anastasia O'Grady has an excellent piece in the Wall Street Journal on the Honduras situation

Hondurans have good cause for calling on divine intervention: Reason has gone AWOL in places like Turtle Bay and Foggy Bottom. Ruling the debate on Mr. Zelaya's behavior is Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chávez, who is now the reigning international authority on "democracy."
Be sure to read the entire column.....

Obama's stance, which calls on Zelaya to be reinstated is a dangerously telling sign that the President of the United States is NOT siding with the rule of law, instead siding with a man who shares a pea pod with Chavez, Ortega, and the Castro Brothers. The signal this sends to the world is that Obama is taking the side of a would-be dictator over democracy in Honduras.

Who would you side with?

In either case, it looks like the constitutional crisis in Honduras is escalating as the man who thumbed his nose at that constitution (Zelaya) seems to be getting much more support than those who insisted on upholding their country's laws.


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