Monday, July 6, 2009

John Cornyn Gets Earful from Voters

h/t to Michelle Malkin for providing a link to the video of Texas Senator John Cornyn speaking at the Texas Capital on July 4th.

For those familiar with my show, I have been extremely critical of John Cornyn on a few fronts (his voting for TARP and his position on Sonia Sotomayor among them). Voters are so fed up with their politicians not listening to them and they may have walked away mad after John Cornyn was done talking but they weren't mad because he wasn't listening....

Oh, he heard them loud and clear.... Keep watching after the crowd dies down during Cornyn's paying tribute to the military. After he's done doing that and goes on to chastise Washington as almost a non-participatory observer, one protestor yells, "You're the PROBLEM!"

On March 26th, during an interview with Lynn Woolley Cornyn said he voted for TARP because he didn't understand enough about the issue and relied on advisors who told him Hank Paulson was the "smartest man on the planet". Like in the above video where Cornyn points a finger at Washington, D.C. when there were four pointing back at him, during the Woolley interview, he said Paulson "was wrong" without accepting blame himself.

My point then was that Cornyn apparently thought Paulson was smarter than his constituents because he chose to listen to the former as the latter told him overwhelmingly NOT to vote for TARP.

I'd like to ask a question of Mr. Cornyn...

How does it feel knowing that your constituents are smarter than the "smartest man on the planet"?

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