Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson Coverage obscene

Shame on those who covered it. Shame on those who participated in it. And shame on those who invested time and tears in it.

Michael Jackson was a freak. He was probably a pedophile. Today (all day) he was glorified. Disgusting.

What does it mean when Al Sharpton is quoted as saying, "Wasn't nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with."? For one thing, it strikes me as a double negative.

When a strange person says another strange person isn't strange, it means they both are.

Beyond that, Sharpton's comments are quintessential victimization. The glorified celebrity wasn't strange?!

Whatever, Al.

The glorification of celebrity in this country is sick and it's precisely this kind of thing that Scripture warns us against. It never ends well.

The death of Michael Jackson revealed how sick much of America is right now.

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