Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Is the Obama Mask slipping off?

In today's daily Presidential Approval Index, Barack Obama has reached yet a new high when it comes to the number of people who strongly DISAPPROVE of his performance.

By simply reviewing the Rasmussen Poll, we can see for our own eyes what the current approval ratings are. The Rasmussen Poll measures the gap between how many people strongly APPROVE of his performance and how many people strongly DISAPPROVE. For the first time since taking office, Obama is at -5.

It was only yesterday (7/7) that Obama's index had set a new record at -3. In fact, since June 28th, he's only had a positive number once and it was at +1. This increases the odds that we are in fact witnessing a trend and not sampling errors.

Check out the graph..

It appears that the American public just may be starting to wake up.

1 comment:

  1. It may not be obama fault you know the builderburg group really runs this country they planned our economic slum they steal money with no consequences the say what goes on America were not really free at all.. Nobody can question it. You will be killed... The obama dececption is a documentary I ecourage everyone to see you need to open your eyes to what's really going on in America. Obama, bush and many before them were just front men for the federal reserve and the builderburg group.. Kennedy was out last true presedent and he tried to uncover the sad pathedic truth behind Americas eyes and an assaunation was planned and carried out I need every one who reads this to take into extreme importance okay the Obama deception you can YouTube it it's a documentary please whatch it!!!! Follow me on Twitter thankyou for reading!!! <3
