Saturday, July 25, 2009


The month of July has been particularly bad for Obama when it comes to Rasmussen's Presidential Approval Index (he's been in negative territory consistently). Now he has a new low as 39% of the country Strongly DISAPPROVES of his performance. Only 30% Strongly APPROVE of his performance, which equates to -9 on the index (also a new low).

Rasmussen is reporting that the July 22nd press conference in which Obama said Cambridge police "acted stupidly" seems to have played a role in the drop.

In addition to nearly 40% of Americans strongly disapproving of Obama's performance, his overall approval rating is below 50% for the second day in a row.

We all know that Obama is prone to throwing people under the bus. Maybe he should stop it and ask a few to step off and tighten the lugnuts.

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