Sunday, July 26, 2009


Yet more evidence that the longer the sitting government of Honduras (led by Roberto Micheletti) stands its ground and insists Zelaya not return, the more ground they gain in the truth arena. Zelaya is beginning to do desperate things and the foolish things he did before leaving power are being revealed. The latter reality is likely playing a huge role in the desperate behavior.

If Zelaya's recent actions weren't so potentially disastrous, you'd have to say they were childish.

Knowing that the sitting government has forbidden his return to Honduras unless such a return was for him to be arrested, Zelaya decided to stick his tongue out at Micheletti by stepping across the Honduran border. It was a symbolic gesture more than anything else but it also demonstrated an aspect of Zelaya's character and is another in a long line of developments that point to his ouster being warranted.

You see another strain of this in the corporate world too. The guy who thinks he deserves the promotion is scorned and turns bitter when he doesn't get it. He then engages in manipulation and usurpation tactics to harm the person that was given the job, thereby proving that he DIDN'T deserve the promotion in the first place.

The leader of a country is supposed to put the country and its people above himself. Yeah, I know that's naive-sounding but what Zelaya did was so blatantly converse to that, it should be obvious he doesn't deserve to be president.

Fox News reports:
International leaders had urged Zelaya not to go home without an agreement out of fear it would lead to bloodshed. Zelaya had said he had no choice after U.S.-backed talks with his ousters failed to reinstate him.
Zelaya obviously considered it worthwhile to stick his tongue out at Micheletti by taking a few steps into Honduras despite the potential consequences of bloodshed.

At first blush, you find yourself saying, "Did it really take you this long to figure out Zelaya is the bad guy, Mrs. Clinton?" Then you realize Zelaya's behavior doesn't really matter because the Obama administration is still backing him and teaching Micheletti all about the Chicago way.

Reuters reports via the Montreal Gazette:
...the United States and Latin American leaders are insisting that Zelaya be reinstated.

The crisis is seen as a diplomatic test for U.S. President Barack Obama as he seeks to improve relations with Latin America, where a growing bloc of leftist leaders that includes Zelaya has challenged Washington's influence in recent years.

Obama's administration has condemned the coup, cut $16.5 million in military aid and threatened to slash economic aid.
Full speed ahead, right Mr. Obama?

Zelaya can't help but show who he really is the longer this standoff continues and it appears the same applies to Obama.

h/t to Hot Air and Gateway Pundit

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