Monday, July 13, 2009

VIDEO: Obama Teleprompter CRASHES!

And you thought Barack needs two teleprompters when he speaks so he can look at both sides of the audience.. That's only part of the reason. Imagine what would have happened if the one that crashed was the only one THE ONE had.

Perish the thought. His political career is as reliant on at least one teleprompter as an airplane is reliant on at least one propeller.

Real Clear Politics has the VIDEO HERE

Here's Jake Tapper's take at ABC.

Providing additional irony is the fact that Obama was trying to talk up a "Crashing" Economy when it happened.

Look at the bright side though. Obama and Biden collectively average a combined 1.0000005 televised speeches per day (with two teleprompters for each speech). Since inauguration, there has been about 180 days.

180 days x 2 teleprompters = 360 teleprompters used in Obama / Biden speeches

360 teleprompters x 1.0000005 = 360.00018 teleprompter crashing opportunities

Actual teleprompter crashes = 2

358.00018 / 360.00018 = 99.4444% success rate - NOT BAD!

WARNING: Math may not be exactly accurate. 45% of all statistics are made up anyway.

For Grins, here's the FIRST TELEPROMPTER accident, which belonged to Biden.

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