Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where did Barack & Michelle Meet Again?

While speaking at a University in Moscow, Barack Obama referred to meeting Michelle "in class". The problem with that according to Mark Hemingway at NRO is that is "demonstrably untrue". For more, have a look at Mark Hemmingway's comments.

First, the video of Obama in Moscow....

So what's wrong with that? Aside from the fact that the two DIDN'T meet in "class" and Michelle should be throwing plates and vases at her husband for not remembering where the first couple met, all's peachy.

Where did they meet? Actually, at Chicago Law Firm Sidley Austin according to Hemingway (and the arguably liberal Newsweek factcheck).

So what's the big deal, Barack? Why not escape your wife's sardonic wrath by leveling with your audience? Could it be that the law firm where you two met was the same law firm that employed Bernadine Dohrn? A firm where, according to Andy McCarthy back on October 7th, 2008, Bill Ayers' dad had significant sway.

I wonder if Michelle said, "I'm not mad, Barack. We both know the truth (wink, wink)."

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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