Sunday, August 16, 2009


ACORN is already under investigation for voter registration fraud but now the 2nd Amendment Foundation is charging that they may have also developed an anti-gun lobbying arm. Jim Kouri in the Examiner reported that:
One example of ACORN's gun control activism is when its officials intervened in an unsuccessful attempt to defend Jersey City, New Jersey's local gun control ordinance, which was struck down by the New Jersey state court as a violation of state law preempting stronger local gun ordinances.
Making this development particularly egregious if true is the fact that ACORN is slated to receive billions of dollars of stimulus funds and is going to be very active in the administration of the 2010 census.

Alan Gottlieb, president of the Second Amendment Foundation is quoted by Kouri as saying:
"We call upon the FBI to expand the scope of its ACORN investigation and focus on the group's involvement in the Jersey City case," Gottlieb stated.

"We support Ohio Congressman John Boehner's request that the White House immediately block all federal funding of ACORN activities until this group's questionable activities are fully investigated. We want to know how they are paying for attorneys, and why Seton Hall's Center for Social Justice and the Public Interest Law Center are providing legal assistance to ACORN for this effort."
Be sure to check out Kouri's ENTIRE ARTICLE.

By the way, is it just me or is ACORN'S recent name change just not sticking?

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