Sunday, August 16, 2009


Despite alleged deals with Big Pharma, an AMA endorsement, having the mainstream media in their back pocket, and a super majority in congress, the Barack Obama administration still couldn't get his single payer trojan horse through the American people. He is backing off for now but it's not time to relax. This news should embolden the American people, not give them the green light to go back to apathy.

Another interesting development to result from this latest news is how the far left nutroots are going to react (beware of flying hinges). My prediction is that they are going to come unglued.

Case in point: last week it was learned that the origins of the posters of Obama with a Hitler-esque moustache did not come from conservatives at all. Rather, they originated from the far left group, LaRouche PAC, which was actually critical of Obama for not going far enough with single payer. Check out the report from EYEBLAST.

CLICK HERE for the video report.

Imagine, if LaRouche PAC didn't think Obama was socialist enough before, what on earth are they going to say when they digest the fact that he is backing off due to political pressure from not only the right but from within his own party?

Almost certainly this is going to mean that Republican lawmakers will be able to sit back and enjoy the infighting that is about to befall the Democrat party. What's critically important, however, is that the right not lose its engagement or passion.

As we approach football season, an appropriate analogy might be to treat it as a first round bye in the playoffs. Stay sharp, stay focused, and stay rested but also stay ready because it ain't over.


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