Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It is completely disingenuous for Barack Obama to feign discomfort while deflecting all responsibility for moving forward with prosecuting members of the CIA to Eric Holder. However, let's take him at his word for a minute and contrast Eric Holder's decision to target the CIA while dropping charges against three members of the Black Panthers who had already lost a default judgment.

Back on July 30th, Jerry Seper at the WASHINGTON TIMES reported that the #3 man at Eric Holder's Justice Department ultimately decided to drop the charges against Black Panther members who were caught on tape outside a polling station in Philadelphia this past election day. The charges were dropped despite the prosecutors winning a default judgment. It made no sense.

Eric Holder is heading a justice department that has decided to prosecute members of an Agency whose job it is to protect this nation against threats from our enemies but has dropped charges against a group caught intimidating voters with two men wearing uniforms and sporting a billy club in front of a polling station on election day.

Adding more siginificance to this disgusting disparity is New York Congressman Peter King who sees the attempt to vilify the CIA as an opportunity to question the allegiance of the Holder-led Justice Department. THE POLITICO reported:
A "furious" Rep. Peter King, the hawkish, maverick Long Island Republican, blasted a "disgraceful" Eric Holder for opening an investigation of CIA interrogators and chided his own party for what he described as a weak response to the move in an interview just now with POLITICO.

"It’s bulls***. It’s disgraceful. You wonder which side they’re on," he said of the attorney general's move, which he described as a "declaration of war against the CIA, and against common sense."
You know it's getting bad out there when a U.S. Congressman questions the allegiance of his country's top prosecutor.

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