Wednesday, August 26, 2009


How many bald-faced lies from the left will it take to wake people up? No, really. Has anyone (even you guys sitting this one out or sitting on the fence) stopped to think about why Obamacare proponents so consistently echo the position that this is not about Universal health care, that it's not a trojan horse, or that it's not medicare for everyone?

VERUM SERUM delivers another knockout with their latest find. New York Times columnist and confirmed scumbag (sorry, this is that egregious) openly admits that he wants Universal health care and that the notion of a public option could lead to it, which is why he's so giddy in this video from October, 2007.

The derisive moniker I gave Paul the Slug was not warranted by that video alone because that was how he legitimately felt. Calling someone names because you disagree with them isn't a good idea but doing so when they're exposed as bald-faced liars makes it a little more warranted.

Check out the Slug on a recent appearance with Stephanapolous (August, 2009) saying that the arguments against the government option (that it will lead to universal health care) are "sheer nonsense".

This guy is a sorry excuse for a human being. Go figure. He writes for the New York Times.

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