Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Definitely a MUST LISTEN. The quintessential weapon for any opponent of Obama-Care. Nearly half a century later, these words explain better than anyone has today the reasons why Americans have no business entertaining the notion of any form of socializied medicine.

Think about the Democrats' latest attempt to shift away from "government option" to "co-ops" as you hear Reagan quote a congressman named Ferrand who said,
“If we can only break through and get our foot inside the door, then we can extend the program after that.”
If enough people listen to this speech, Reagan's words may actually make a difference 20 years after he left office.

If you'd like an mp3, RIGHT CLICK HERE and download.

CLICK HERE for the transcript.

Again, think of Reagan's reference to Ferrand while watching this 17 second montage of Obama from 2003 and then 2009. What was that about getting your foot in the door (h/t to CONSERVATIVE BLACK WOMAN)?

"I spent a lifetime fighting against Ronald Reagan's policies."
- Barack Obama, January 21st, 2008

h/t to THE NEW PUNDIT for the mp3 link and h/t to Barrackaid #34 for reminding me of this speech.

1 comment:

  1. I think that ever one should be made to listen to this Speech of Reagans.
