Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Dateline: Brevard County, FL. This is where the latest eruption took place. Brevard county is along the east coast of Florida in the middle half of the state. As the AARP continues to hear from members angry at either their tacit support of Obama-care or their refusal to denounce it, the group continues to watch a mass exodus of its members.

So where are all of these former AARP members going? A group getting flooded is the AMERICAN SENIORS ASSOCIATION. In fact, when you call them, the automated message tells you that they've been so overwhelmed with inquiries that the only way to communicate with them is via email.

Anyway, check out the LATEST VIDEO of why the AARP is bleeding members.

Suggestion to ASA. Guard your leadership standards and principles. If the AARP is anything like most liberal outfits, once they see that the jig is up, they'll head on over to where the money is and aid in slowly devolving the organization into something left of what it is now.

h/t to DRUDGE

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