Monday, August 3, 2009


Avi Lipkin, who writes as Victor Mordechai, served two years as senior editor and translator in the Israeli Prime Minister’s office and for him to make these claims brings significant weight. We all remember how the sheer notion that Obama was a Muslim brought scorn from the acorns and the Obamautomatons.

Lipkin doesn't seem to think there's even the slightest bit of uncertainty....
there is no doubt that President Mubarack (“Blessed one” in Arabic) Hussein Obama is the son of a proud member of a Sunni Muslim tribe in Kenya, the same tribe that massacred Kenyan Christians a few years ago.
HERE'S MORE (but you'll have to sign up for the entire article).

SPECIAL GUESTS has Lipkin's entire Bio..
AVI LIPKIN is an author, speaker and cofounder of Israel Today Magazine, who has served 30 years in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Reserves, 16 years in the IDF Artillery Reserves and 14 years as an IDF spokesman.

Avi served two years as senior editor and translator in the Israeli Prime Minister’s office.

Since leaving that office, Avi has had the opportunity to be a guest on many popular US talk shows including Sean Hannity and Fox & Friends.

Avi has also been a popular guest on international programs including Israel National TV Channel 1 in Hebrew in response to Pope Benedict XVI's remarks Islam, on Revelation TV in London, and on Vision Norge Norwegian Television.

Avi has been a keynote speaker in hundreds of churches and synagogues across the U.S., Canada, Mexico, The UK, Switzerland, France, Greece, Norway, Finland, Russia, Germany, Belgium, Holland and Israel.

Mr. Lipkin speaks six languages and has received his B. A. from Hebrew University, 1973, majoring in Sovietology/Russian Studies and East European Studies. Between 1991-1994 Avi studied at the Jewish Theological Seminary for three years in the framework of the MA program.

Avi is well versed in the centuries of Islamic wars. Avi was born in the U.S. but immigrated (made Aliyah) to Israel in 1968.

Avi has written several books under the pen-name Victor Mordecai, including “Is Fanatic Islam a Global Threat?" which in 1997 predicted 9/11-type attacks by Islamic terrorists against the United States.
Someone with Lipkin's background and insider knowledge saying such things about Obama are noteworthy.

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