Monday, August 3, 2009


If Obama's "stupidly" comment was intentional, we may be looking at more unintentional consequences for him. Crowley won the fight in the arena of public opinion. Gates clearly lost because of his racist comments and leanings.

Now Aaron Klein has uncovered a video of Cornel West (a Gates comrade) introducing Barack Obama at a Harlem fundraiser in 2007. West is a close friend of Louis Farrakhan AND Henry Louis Gates as Klein points out.
West authored two books on race with Gates, who is at the center of controversy after Obama remarked on Gates' being handcuffed by police outside his home after a report of a burglary in his house.
The degrees of separation between Obama and some quite nefarious characters vary but it is an extensive web and it is amazing how so many people refused to see it.
Obama named West to the Black Advisory Council of his presidential campaign.
The switch for the national spotlight on Gates was flipped by Obama. It seems to be shining on West as well, which can't be good for Obama.

From Klein:
After branding the U.S. a "racist patriarchal" nation in his book "Race Matters," West wrote that "White America has been historically weak-willed in ensuring racial justice and has continued to resist fully accepting the humanity of blacks."
White America has been "weak-willed"? Does that not have echoes of Eric Holder's comment about America being a "nation of cowards" "in things racial"?
Also in that book, West claimed the 9-11 attacks gave white Americans a glimpse of what it means to be a black person in the U.S. – feeling "unsafe, unprotected, subject to random violence, and hatred" for who they are.
Who exhibited signs of being a hater in the Gates / Crowley incident again?
"Since 9/11," West wrote, "the whole nation has the blues, when before it was just black people."

Again, if Obama intentionally said, "stupidly" to distract attention away from health care (Alinsky tactic), this may be another indicator that it could have backfired.

Politically speaking, this could be a case of, "LIVE BY COMMUNITY ORGANIZING - DIE BY COMMUNITY ORGANIZING".

Obama is Unmasking himself and he's doing it sooner than he wanted to.

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