Sunday, August 16, 2009


What's that saying about when you lay down with dogs? It appears that Mr. Obama's pride may have gotten the best of him last week when pressed about U.S. policy toward Honduras. In true Obama fashion, he did what he always does when faced with the possiblity of being associated with a bad situation - he distanced himself from that situation and took shots at others involved on the way out.

If you ask Hugo Chavez, I'd guess that's probably exactly how he feels. In response to Obama's assertion that Latin America is being hypocritical by asking the United States to intervene in Honduras, Reuters quoted Chavez as saying the following:
"We are not asking you to intervene in Honduras, Obama. On the contrary, we are asking that "the empire" get its hands off Honduras and get its claws out of Latin America."
So who is "the Empire"? Could Chavez be talking about the United States? If yes, it sounds like his logic is about as convoluted as the far left nutroots here in the states.

Then again, Chavez did have a point that's hard to argue with.
"President Obama is lost in the Andromeda Nebula, he has lost his bearings, he doesn't get it."
Here, here Mr. Chavez.

Whatever brief moment of clarity Hugo provided was quickly eclipsed by his continued speaking. The bigger story is the friction between Chavez and Obama. It is something that if Obama doesn't manage can become a thorn in his side to say the least.

REUTERS has the rest of the story.

1 comment:

  1. HONDURAS: Not a Military Coup:
