Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We know that Bill Ayers traveled to Venezuela in 2006 but we don't yet know who funded the trip. Cliff Kincaid at Accuracy In Media reports that a Freedom of Information Act request showed that Ayers did extensive world travel on the taxpayer's dime but the trip to see Hugo was conspicuously absent.
So it appears that Ayers' trip to celebrate Chavez's "Socialism of the 21st Century" was financed by someone or something other than the taxpayers who pay Ayers' $126,000 annual salary at a public university. Did Chavez pick up the tab?
Kincaid teases an August 20th conference in Washington, D.C. that will shed more light on the situation.

Central to the piece are the details of a book written by the Ayers' adopted son who is also the biological son of a convicted cop killer, David Gilbert. Chesea Boudin, who is author of a book titled, "Gringo", also worked for Hugo Chavez according to Kincaid:
Boudin, a Rhodes Scholar, writes about working for Chavez in the presidential palace in Venezuela, on subjects such as "Presidential International Relations," and being involved "in the revolutionary process" and assisting with such projects as the "Third Annual International Conference in Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution." He also "worked as a freelance journalist, an interpreter, and a think tank researcher with ties to the Ministry of Higher Education."
Higher education, huh? Like father, like adopted son. I guess the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

The implication is that Boudin just may be a foreign agent in America for Hugo Chavez, which would require him to register with the Department of Justice:
Being an advocate for Chavez in the U.S., which clearly continues with publication of the book Gringo, seems to be the textbook definition of a foreign agent, who, according to the U.S. statute, provides "propaganda" for a foreign regime for the purpose of "attempting to influence U.S. public opinion, policy, and laws." Foreign agents are supposed to register as such with the U.S. Department of Justice. But again, Holder, who facilitated the Clinton pardons of Weather Underground members, can't be expected to enforce the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which is under the supervision of the Department of Justice.
Not only did Holder facilitate the pardons of Weather Underground members but he recently dropped an AIR-TIGHT CASE against members of the Black Panther Party who were caught on video intimidating voters on election day in Philadelphia. In fact, the prosecuting attorneys had already won a default judgment prior to the case being dropped.

Excellent work, as usual, from Kincaid. Be sure to read the ENTIRE ARTICLE.

When you consider the similarities between the paths both Chavez and Obama have taken, is it really all that surprising they each share one degree of separation from Bill Ayers?

Ousted Honduran president Manuel Zelaya is Chavez' guy too. Does anyone doubt for a second he's also Ayers' guy? Some day the common nefarious affiliations all of these guys share is going to rear its head for all to see. My personal hope is that it's not too late when they do.

Be sure to visit ACCURACY IN MEDIA

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