Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Well, I guess that title is a bit misleading. MSNBC anchor Nancy Snyderman may have duked it out with Obama mouthpiece and former ABC reporter Linda Douglass but it was only over which one of the two was the bigger Obama sychophant.

Utterly shameless to see a news anchor this deep in the tank for the boss of the person being interviewed. NEWSBUSTERS points out that like Douglass, Snyderman worked for ABC. She also contributed to Democrats: should come as no surprise that Snyderman is in the tank for ObamaCare. According to an Aug. 5 Media Reality Check about TV news doctors' donations to Democratic politicians and tilt in favor of ObamaCare, Snyderman gave two contributions totaling $800 to Democratic candidates while working for Johnson & Johnson (after leaving ABC News and before joining NBC). Following Obama's July 22 press conference, Snyderman even said "I was rooting for the President to hit a home run."
July 22nd? Isn't that the press conference where Obama said the Cambridge police "acted stupidly" in how they dealt with his racially-focused friend Henry Louis Gates? Wouldn't you like to know Snyderman's take on that incident? Far be it from me to speak for Snyderman but I'd lay dollars to doughnuts that it's very similary to Douglass's take.

It's also interesting how both Douglass and Snyderman latch on to the word, "cruel" in this exchange. It's a powerful word used by those who oppose Obama-care. One way to neutralize its effectiveness is to claim it as your own. Pragmatically speaking however, it doesn't resonate. The accusation that a new health care system may lead to cruelty toward senior citizens is one thing. Calling that accusation cruel for being uttered strikes me as a tactic intended to diminish the charge more than being a word used as an honest depiction of what's actually happening.

Then again, would you expect anything less from these shameless shills?

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