Thursday, August 20, 2009


Rest easy all of you paranoids! Barack Obama doesn't think he's God. He just thinks he's God's equal when it comes to deciding matters of life and death according to some Rabbis that were on a conference call with him.

The POLITICO reports that Obama said the following on a conference call with Rabbis:
"We are God's partners in matters of life and death."
So how does that square with your stance on abortion, Mr. Obama? If you and God are equals, does that mean determining when life begins is above His paygrade too?

Obama's ideological hero Saul Alinsky, dedicated the Community Organizing handbook, "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer. Alinsky was an atheist and maintained the endorsement was a sarcastic joke and not a personal statement. My advice to Obama would be to look at what kinds of things Lucifer said and did that got him into trouble. George Soros, the man behind Obama has also decided to dive in to the realm of mocking God, calling it a joke as well.

Check out this TIMES ONLINE interview of Soros conducted by Andrew Billen in 2004. Here is Soros clarifying any perceived "God complex" he may have:
First of all, I said I had messianic fantasies. I do. I think we all do. Some get further than others with them but I think a lot of people would like to do good for humanity and it has been my privilege actually to do it.”

He pauses. “I mean this more as a joke than a statement but I used to say that I must not go to Russia very often because, being a god, I must remain invisible.” He is thinking of a period of hyper-inflation in the former Soviet Union during which he sent 35,000 scientists $500 each. “I mean, it is like a gift from God. In that sense I was playing God, but it can be taken out of context. People might say this man is a megalomaniac.”
No god complex would be complete without putting your pseudo-son in a position of power. Enter Barack Obama, who seems to read teleprompters like they contained scriptures. Soros appears to have extended his god complex to include his version of a messiah. He and Barack certainly don't do much to dissuade the perception.

This is all just so sick.

People on the left will excuse away what Obama said but make no mistake, that short sentence says a lot about Obama's arrogance, which is out of this world.


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