Thursday, August 20, 2009


For those who have actually decided to open their eyes at what's really going on with this administration, they risk being immune to the level of corruption in the White House. It's beginning to make Bill Clinton blush (I know, it's hard to tell when Bubba's blushing).

Anyway, Michelle Malkin does it again as she's all over what's going on with David Axelrod, the man who made astroturfing an art form. As the Obama administration continues to refer to the town hall grass roots movement as "astroturf" or fake grass roots funded by special interest groups, it continues to accuse others of doing what David Axelrod is a master at doing - Astroturf.

As you watch Michelle explain in very clear language with quintessential specificity exactly what's going on, ask yourself a question.

What does it say about how an entity or human being views itself when it demonizes and vilifies opponents by accusing them of doing despicable things that the accuser is doing to an extreme?

Not only is it projection but it shows that entity / human being to be extremely vile.

CLICK HERE for more from Michelle on how corrupt this is.

h/t to HOT AIR for the video

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