Friday, August 14, 2009


There seems to be a few parallels between what's going on with the media in Honduras right now and what's going on here with U.S. media outlets like MSNBC. In particular, channel 11 seems to be engaging in some Pallywood-style tactics (see video at bottom of this post).

Think about something for a minute. Ousted president Manuel Zelaya and Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez are cut from the same cloth. Chavez has been extremely open about his support for Zelaya. In addition to gippin' and grinnin' with Chavez, Obama has been supporting Zelaya's reinstatement until only recently showing signs of backing off. That reality is likely to attributable to the resolve of the Micheletti government more than anything else.

The current government of Honduras is not only standing up to the world but they are fighting battles with the media that are similiar to the ones conservatives in America are fighting. Namely, shameless propaganda in order to influence public opinion with lies instead of with facts.

GATEWAY PUNDIT actually spoke with a Honduran government official about the news report above:
Last night I spent some time with a Honduran government official and family members. The official wanted to communicate how upset the people of Honduras were with the international media coverage coming from their country especially the CNN media coverage. Every day the government is releasing more and more information on the ousted dictator wannabe former President Mel Zelaya. He was a complete power hungry Leftist thug.
Ain't it funny how the truth about Zelaya continues to come out despite all of the support for him and his thuggish tactics. That support apparently includes lies in the media. Hmmmmm. Lies in the media? Say it ain't so!

To get an idea of why the people in Honduras would be upset with CNN, I wrote about one of the most egregious examples on JULY 8TH

For those curious about what Pallywood really is, here it is in its purest form.

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