Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Those punditzes at MSNBC (Olbermann, Matthews, Maddow, et. al) are propagandizing like no one's business. Feigning indignation over posters showing Obama with a Hitler moustache has proven to be journalistic negligence at best and journalistic malpractice at worst because the poster originated from a group so far to the left that their belief is Obama is not doing enough to enact gov't run health care.

Now we learn that the man holding this poster is actually a supporter of Democrat Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) who supports Obama-care. The same John Dingell who said these protesters reminded him of the KKK. I wonder what this supporter of his reminds him of?

Perhaps it's time for people to begin to seriously question the origin of the swastika that appeared outside the office of Democrat congressman Dennis Scott (R-GA). Might it be one of his supporters?

This whole Obama-Hitler poster charade is really beginning to remind me of Pallywood, which is a term used to describe Palestinians faking injuries for two reasons.

1.) They love competing for news camera attention
2.) It furthers their cause of demonizing Israel

Compare that to far Lefties who hold Obama-Hitler posters at Town Hall protests.

1.) They love competing for news camera attention
2.) It furthers their cause of demonizing conservatives

Read the entire chronology of the Obama posters at the BLOG PROF

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