Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Texas Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-HOU) paid zero respect to a constituent whose lone opportunity to speak to Lee directly was taking place. The arrogance Lee was exuding was so palpable that I wouldn't be surprised if audience members choked on it.

It struck me as a childish and feeble attempt to lash out at someone who was making her feel very uncomfortable. What better way to do that than to answer a cell phone while a lowly constituent is offering forth heartfelt concerns you could care less about.

I'd say this provides a perfect example for why town halls via telephone are a bad idea.

If Lee is willing to rudely gesticulate with a cell phone where people could see her, imagine what things she might do if she decided to use the "conference call town hall" format. She'd probably have call waiting and roll her eyes when others were talking.

h/t to DRUDGE

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