Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Recently, a black man showed up with an assault weapon and a pistol at a health care rally outside Obama's speech at the VFW event in Arizona. His stated position when interviewed was that of being against government run health care.

Small problem. Such a scenario significantly disrupts MSNBC's "conservatives are racist" paradigm. Ah, what to do, what to do?

MSNBC calling Dr. Brainiac! Calling Dr. Brainiac! We can't let this opportunity slip by. We have a man with guns at a rally but he's black and we can't do anything with that! We have scripts and segments custom made for this gem but HE CAN'T BE BLACK!

Dr. Brainiac's solution? Keep the racist paradigm and only show video of the guy's guns (not his face).

Maybe I'm alone, naive, or both but this blatant bias is getting so absurd that I'm mildly surprised that people at MSNBC aren't getting so disgusted that they're going public with this. I'm just waiting for one person inside that rat trap to come out and tell us what's up.

Shameless propaganda. It doesn't get anymore despicable.


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