Wednesday, September 2, 2009


In the now infamous conference call with Peter Paul and Stan Lee back in 2000, Hillary Clinton jokingly said, "Onward with the Mutant Vote". Since Manuel Zelaya was ousted on June 28th, we've learned that he was going to administer a mutant vote in the form of a referendum that would allow him to be re-elected, despite that scenario being 100% against the Honduran Constitution.

Now Hillary and Zelaya are going to be meeting with each other according to the AFP:
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is to meet Thursday with Manuel Zelaya to discuss the deadlock following his ouster as president of Honduras in a June 28 coup, her spokesman said Tuesday.

"On Thursday Secretary Clinton plans to meet with him to discuss the best way forward on the situation in Honduras," State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters.
The Obama administration continues to back the wrong horse in this battle and Micheletti continues to make Zelaya look foolish. To illustrate with an example, as Zelaya is reduced to recklessly (Hillary's word) walking into Honduras by crossing their border with Nicaragua so he could yell through a megaphone while wearing his white cowboy hat, Micheletti writes an OP-ED for the Wall Street Journal enumerating the many Constitutional reasons for Zelaya's removal.

Now Hillary, who called Zelaya's actions "reckless" relative to the aforementioned example, is meeting with him in the United States to work out a solution?!

Mrs. Clinton, some might call that "reckless".

tsk tsk tsk

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